Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Use for Extra Stuff

I got new jeans a while back and happened to keep the hem. (It was about 2 inches.) I had thought that maybe I would make a headband. Looking around the blog world, I began to notice the "fabric flower" trend.

I trimmed the cut end so that it was even. I then hand sewed a running stitch with a knot at the end. I pulled it tight and got a flower!! I then added some buttons in the center. All I have to decide now is if I want to put them on hair clips or headbands.

Another little tid bit. I find myself facinated by empty dvd towers. The last one I had I covered the inside with tissue paper and added a battery operated tea light. With the short tower I finished the other day I had an "aha" moment. There are two cords I use all the time. My ipod cord and the camera cord. They usually are found under the mess on my desk or next to the tower. I coiled them and put them in the tower: PROBLEM SOLVED. It made me smile!!

(I am thinking of cutting holes into the sides so that I don't ever have to open it to use the cords, but can just pull the end out.)

Two post in one day!!

Smile often,

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