Our local Dollar Tree has some foam board. Part of the party decor was a tree that would go across the room. (We have a beam that divides our rooms.) I painted the foam board with brown acrylic paint. To vary the color, I watered down the paint. Once the paint dried the paper began to peel. So I did what any person would do, I peeled off the paper and used it to decorate the beam. I was left with the foam part of the boards. This "left over" board is what I used to make the number for the door.
I free handed the number and then used an exacto knife to cut it out. It did not matter that I had multiple pencil marks since the whole thing would be covered by streamer.
I used my hot glue gun (low temp) to attach the streamer to the number. The reason for the low temp is that I scrunched the streamer to make it ruffle. While the glue is hot, I pushed it together with my finger. High temp would be too hot and maybe even melt the foam.
I started at the bottom. The first piece of streamer I just glued down. I made sure to wrap it around to the back to cover the foam. I then began to ruffle it. All the pieces wrap around to the back. I also found it easier to just pull it off the streamer roll and cut once I was done making the ruffle.
For the very top, I just glued down a piece of streamer and wrapped it around to the back. To hang it on the door, I used a Command Strip. The number is really light.
While I was doing the number, I got an idea about decorating for Christmas. I made a Christmas tree for my door!!! I used the same technique. I see more door decorations made this way in my future!
How about:
a red heart
a four leaf clover
an Easter egg
red, white, and blue star
a pumpkin or bat
Of course, I have two other kids with birthdays. I am thinking of either their birthday number or their initial.
I will post pictures of my Christmas tree when it is done.
Thanks for coming by,